??What is this??

A website made to store art, thoughts, and other things. Many things will be added, deleted, and edited as the creator learns how to code and progresses with the site. I hope you enjoy whatever is put in place so far.

??Who are you??

Le Chou, Gundtou, Tanu, pick whatever name you would like to refer to me as. My main(serious) art medium is digital. I aspire to have beautiful art. The type that makes people's eyes feel nice. I have two lovely cats named Moo and Moe. They're siblings.

I'm very scared of infestive bugs. Lice, scabies, bed bugs, and all that type of stuff. Even the mention of them makes my skin itchy. Ew!

Opinion on IKEA's AFTONSPARV? I'm glad you asked! I think theyre great. Better than great. Theyre amazing. Truly works of art, all for the cheap, cheap price of $6.99. I have 3. Truly splendid.

My favorite colors vary in the reds and greens, and I enjoy various medias such as Land of the Lustrous (Houseki no Kuni), Blue Giant, and Skullgirls. The list goes on for a long time.

I use Ibispaint (BLACK) for digital art. No ads is great.

??Why "Infinite Potentiality"? What's with the setup??

"Infinite Potentiality" comes from a Machine Girl song, Infinite Potentiality. I've been a fan of MG for a bit now, and while thinking of a wesbite name I thought about how much potential could be brought with it. For me to learn, share art, and more. Then I looked through my playlist becuase I was tired of thinking, lol.

The way this website is formatted is because... I don't know how to make it look pretty!! I'm still new to coding, and all the stuff confuses me a lot. Changing the background color for the title page was pure hell. I'm sure it gave me a few white hairs. Maybe me in the future will know more, as well as have a sense of style.