{ 3.10.25 }
Tweaking so bad over english.... please please please i dont want to do a billion essays and presentations and analyze a ton of shit leave me alonr............... ive drawn an inch more than usual which is nice but literally TOMORROW i have a presentationt o do. im going to claw my face off how are we meant to go on for 20 minutes what the fuck. makes me want to never read another word ever again.
{ 2.23.25 }
Despite having seemingly so much time on my hands, I find myself wasting away doing absolutely nothing. I have been using the excuse of school to make an excuse for my laziness, but I know that isn't a viable reason. I also feel that I have been complaining too much to the people I know, which I am trying to improve upon. Approaching making this site, I had high hopes, but the bar was set too high. I think I was approaching the site more as a social media profile rather than something of a personal catalog, which is what I realize now is a better use of this website. Though I have parted with Tiktok, Instagram has taken my attention and I have been just as irresponsible with it. The atrocious scree time and hesitation to JUST DO IT!! has been keeping me from any real progress in the things I say I want to do. Sloth probably pumps through my veins now... I should probably delete all social medias and go cold turkey for a while, at least until I know I can better manage my time, but I have the dillemma of messaging friends on the app. Do I have other methods of communication? Yes, but sending each other stupid videos mindlessly and memeing is fun. I have at least drawn a little more, finally picked up the damn pen. Its really the only thing I do, and I'm a little worried for my future. I do socialize, but I don't think I have that made quote unquote close friends. I only go to a crochet and knitting club and a tabletop game clup with my friend. Next year I think I will try to work out more, maybe join this outdoorsy hiking type club.
Right now I want to practice drawing armor, robots, and architecture. I had been drawing lots of non-human creature things, which is very nice, but I feel the concepts I have been using are getting repetitive. There has been some anatomy practice but nothing impressive,, at all!! I have picked up playing Elden Ring and Armored Core 6, very fun. It has only been one character on the seamless co-op mod, as to play with friends, but I think I should make one on my one where I don't get hard carried the entire game. Armored core is really cool but also incredibly frustrating. A pattern appeared where I go through a ton of missions, get to a boss, rage at that boss for the day, get off, and then attempt again and win by a hair. I also picked up a major Transformers obsession which came with building Gunpla. The released movie helped a lot.
The weather has been cold and snowy, the Philadephia groundhog was right. A month before it was reaching the 70's, but now we are dipping into the negatives.
{ 7.31.24 }
It's been a while since I have edited this website... Alas, ever since summer started I haven't been at my home with my computer. Editing on my phone would be irritating and I didn't have much content to add anyways. I know I should have spent the summer honing my art skills and practicing for school, but in all honesty, all I've been doing is sitting at home and scrolling endlessly through my phone. That, or working. There wasn't much to do where I was. The heat was awful and anywhere you go you had to spend money. That, or you need some mode of transportation to go there. True hell. I really need to break the habit of staying on my phone not doing anything. A weeklong secluded visit to the forest would be nice.
Ive been thinking a lot about my trips to the Netherlands and Vietnam. In the Netherlands we had stayed in a nice cabin that belonged to some organization my mom belongs to. It was really nice. The air was refreshing in the forested area and for the duration of our trip, it was sunny. Visible to where we were staying there was farmland with cows and horses. We traveled to Naarden during our visit and tasted Smurfen ice cream, it was really good. Nothing in the States has replicated the taste. Apparently the flavor is yogurt? If possible I would absolutely go again. In Vietnam, we went to the Sea Shell Aquarium, a giant aquarium inside of a massive turtle structure. Looking back at the photos I had taken, I really regret not taking more. I had tried walking through the place and slowly just looking at everything but I went way too fast to even do that properly. The people had made me nervous, I suppose. Sometime in the future, I will definitely go back. There was a restaurant inside that I would like to visit, the smell was great while I walked through. It was gorgeous. In one part of the aquarium there was a open tank with many nets to walk over and look down upon the fish. Many other areas of the aquarium were stuffed but this was totally empty. I probably should have stayed longer but my cowardice kept me off the ropes, lol.┗( T﹏T )┛ The Montery Bay aquarium another exibit I want to go to. The videos I've seen look amazing, and I bet it's more impressive than the Sea Shell.
It's been very hot lately, with the highest of the previous day being 90°. At the time of writing this it is about halfway through 3 am. Today the highest temperature is anticipated to be 89°.
{ 5.8.24 }
I stretched out my pointer finger upwards and it bent in a disgusting way. Why does it look like that?? Anypoo, I skipped 2 days of school becuase karma came to bite me in the ass and have me be sick. However, I had run out of excusable sick days for school and had to come back to avoid a reputation of chronic absence. Apparently chronically absent people are more linked to suspected drug use and bad reputations in school... I'm not too worried about that, but came back with a mask and lots of disinfectant just in case! I pray that I don't have to go to work as much this summer so I have more time to do fun things. Of course, money is nice, but what use is it when you can't go out and do things? Or stay in and play more games? I wanna save up even more and buy all the games I want~ ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ I don't actually use emoticons like these that often because of how fast-paced texting has become compared to how it felt before, and it takes a while to find the one that is appropriate for the conversation. I'm going to try to use them more often here, though! I remember I used to use them a tonnn in 2021-2022.
The highest temperate for today was 80°. After this week there is only 1 more until school is over.
{ 5.1.24 }
I just learned that MC Conrad, a music artist I enjoyed quite a bit, died a few days ago. It's really sad to see that people have passed recently when searching about them, especially when they were so beloved throughout their community. An amazing singer, I hope he rests in peace.
On a brighter note, however, there are only a few weeks of school left! I still haven't made any major progress with art, but I'm sure a wind of inspiration will blow past me soon. There have been a lot of assignments I needed to complete this week, which was very annoying. They were completed just hours before the deadlines.
The highest temperature was 76°.
{ 4.30.24 }
Today the temperature is very great... I was wearing a hoodie jacket type sweatshirt which only zips down halfway. It's cool I guess, but a little impractical. I didn't want to fully take it off because it's be a pain to carry around and the shirt I had on clashed horribly with my pants. Bright yellow and then a nice orange on the bottom... awful! The growing heat is a sign the cicadas are coming, the two largest broods. It's very exciting! I have imagined and doodled a cute new cat person, the same type as Pon. Sphinx things are so cute 🧡. Almost as cute as Moo and Moe. I can't seem to keep on one topic for journals.
Today there are 363 songs in the liked songs playlist. The highest temperature was 74℉.
{ 4.29.24 }
Meow... First journal entry!! Yippie!! I've admittedly have gotten less done as I imagined so far with this site, but that's okay. I skipped school today becuase of reasons, and I'm glad that I did. I got to sleep a lot which is always nice. o(〃^▽^〃)o I want to work on the main page as it looks, frankly, really ugly, but what should I set it as? Shall I take inspiration from another site? Frankenstien together a bunch of random things and hope it looks good? I don't know, I don't know. Pondering too long isn't good. I technically was meant to work on a presentation for English today, but only got one section done. Maybe tomorrow...
I've only acutally recently got this computer, and the keyboard is so different from what I'm used to. Thankfully, my typing speed isn't that slow. Unfortunately, I still have to look down at the keys while I'm typing. Not lifting my fingers high enough to press a new key is a habit I have. Other than that, things are pretty great!
The weather today was decently sunny with some clouds for a few seperated hours. The temperature seems to be rising, which is great. Last week I had listened to 1994 minutes of music, which is about 33 hours. 258 artists and 690 different tracks were played. I have seen many beautiful artworks today. One of the drawings I made in the art channel was meant to be a page art for the main page of this site, but it turned out pretty shit. I'll try again... someday!!
Whatever was here has been deleted out of shame and utter embarrassment.