
SOCIALS!!! Feel free to contact me through any of these!!

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Discord: tanutuna


Dropbox is good for transferring files from one device to another.

HTML help.

CSS help.

Grandma-ish wallpapers. There's not a large selection but still nice. I might buy one one day.


Sculpting website. It's great for many things, and personally I find it easier to use than Blender and 3ds max for certain things.

Papercrafts. If you can't afford figures and have lots of time on your hands this is great!

Papercraft printing/Viewing. It's fun to stare at the 3d renders of the crafts.

I'm not going to post a direct link becuase I'm pretty sure that's how some manga sites get taken down, but if you ever want to read things without ads ComicK is what I use. It's pretty great and though you do need to make an account, I think its worth it.


Playlist 1 Is it jazz? Easy listening? We'll never know.